The Best Project centre in chennai - Data Integrity Auditing without Private Key Storage for Secure Cloud Storage

Using cloud storage facilities, consumers can store their information in the cloud to prevent spending on storing and maintaining local information. Many data integrity audit plans have been suggested to guarantee the integrity of the information stored in the cloud. In our existing work , Users must use their private key to create information authenticators to perform data integrity auditing. The user must therefore have a hardware token (e.g. USB token, intelligent card) to store his private key and memorize a password for this private key to be activated. If this hardware token is lost or this password is forgotten, most of the present auditing systems for data integrity could not operate. In our proposed work, A fresh paradigm called non-private main storage data integrity audit. To prevent using the hardware token, we use biometric data (e.g. iris scanning, fingerprint) as the user's blurred private key. Meanwhile, data integrity auditing can still be efficiently completed by the system. Only the owner and the user can be authorized by the administrator to login. But it is distinct in the user module if the user's fingerprint matches that he / she can login. The security proof and performance analysis demonstrate that the desirable safety and effectiveness of our suggested system(IEEE matlab projects chennai).

•In our existing work, many data integrity auditing plans have been suggested to enable either the information data owner or the third party auditor (TPA) to verify whether or not the information stored in the cloud is safe.
•The user must produce authenticators for information blocks with his personal key in the previous information integrity auditing systems. This implies that the user must safely store and handle his private key.
•In particular,final year mba projects chennai the user requires a safe mobile hardware token (e.g. USB token, intelligent card) to store his private key and store a password used to activate this private key.
•The user would no longer be able to create the authenticator for any fresh information block once the password is forgotten or the hardware token is lost. If any of the attackers attack the files of the data owner, don't know about the information details of the attackers.

•Data integrity will use secret keys to verify the information owner's secure file status (whether the file is secure or not).
•Sometimes the secret key of the file will be lost or the secret key will be placed in the intelligent card, etc.
•Cloud server will not authorize the user to log in to their account.

•In our proposed work, how to use biometric data to conduct data integrity auditing as a blurred private key and suggest a fresh paradigm called data integrity auditing without private ke storage.
•In this system, we use biometric data (e.g. iris scan, fingerprint) to prevent using the hardware token as the user's blurred private key (Python Project Centers in Chennai).
•The Auditing of data integrity may be conducted on the condition that no hardware token exists to store the private key. Here attackers can attack the files.
•Only the user can be authorized by the administrator to login. But it is distinct in the user module if the user's fingerprint matches that he / she can login Python Projects in Chennai       .

Fuzzy Technic
Key generation algorithm
Homomorphic algorithm

•Only the cloud server can be authorized by the user to login.
•Data integrity checks the file status of the information data owner without any secret keys.
•Here cloud  can see all the information of the attacked files(Bigdata Project Centers in Chennai).

In this project we have five modules:
1.Data owner
2.Data user
3.TPA(Third Party Auditor)

1.Data owner:
•Upload files
•View files
•Auditing files

2.Data user
•OTP Confirmation
•Upload fingerprint
•Search files(based on keyword)
•Download request

3.TPA(Trusted party auditor)
•Send key to users
•View auditing request

•Authorized users
•Auditing files
•View attacked files
•View all files
•View all data owners
•View all data users
-File request based
-Time based
•View all files and attack

1.Data owner
The data owner records their own information. Login to your account. Upload one of the documents. When data owner upload the files generate a hash value for file. View all files uploaded. The data owner sends a request to TPA to verify their file in a data integrity module that is safe(or) not. Owner's account logout.
2.Data user
Data user register their own details with fingerprint. after authorize the cloud user can login their account. User can login their account with two step verification. First one user receive otp in mail. Second thing is upload finger print. If these two are matched user can login. User search data based on keyword. Click download request to download the files(Bigdata Projects in Chennai ). Download request will send to TPA. TPA will generate the key for user to download the files. User logout their account.
3.TPA(Third party auditor)
TPA login into their account. Send key to user’s mail for download the files. View owner’s request in auditing request to check file safe status. Auditing request send to cloud. Tpa logout their account.
Cloud only authorize the  user can login. View Tpa request in auditing files and send file safe status to user’s mail. View attacked file details. view all file details. view data owner and user details. finally graph will show based on file request based and time based. Cloud logout their account.
Attacker login into their account. View all files and attack .when attacker attacked the files, file hash value will change. attacker logout their account.


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