The Best Finalyear MBA, IEEE Android, Embedded and Matlab projects in Chennai


The project is entitled as alter system tracking and management solution. This project helps the user and to manage the system it aims to develop the system for user convenience when a system gets a fault instead of calling for Assistance by sending a message to them. This project helps every one to get help through a message which sends automatically. The tracking system is used for the observing of persons or object on the move and supplying a timely ordered sequence of location data for further processing. This tracking system helps to identify the problems by tracking, identifying and sends a text message from the user side to the help Centre. Which helps and saves time. This project is developed using with C# and SQL as a database to stores the data.

Technical concerns are becoming a normal scenario in an everyday work environment both in education and corporate. Thus, need to constantly and effectively monitor these concerns. These require a system that can handle them. With this in mind, an Automated Help Desk: Customer Support for Information Technology Resource Centre is a fit solution that can provide an effective approach in handling all reported technical concerns with proper record keeping and monitoring to clients and technical personnel as well as systems administrators.
In the big corporate office, the users will find it difficult when an unexpected error occurs in their system. They need to call the lab assistance every time when their pc goes into trouble this becomes an big problem when large number of  people’s pc goes into trouble.


·    First of all the main problem with the current system is that it is quite time consuming sometimes.
·         It has long procedures to obtain the information.
·         It does not provide all information regarding any query at a time.
·   It has time limitation; individual has to apply within the working hours of an organization/campus.
·       Another problem with the current system is that suppose an individual wants the detail or any information about more than two departments, then he has to approach all the departments personally.


Proposed system are those that are automated, so that it is easy to retrieve the responses from the system fastly and updating the details once the response or services are provided to the end-users upon their request without any difficulty and saves time. No waiting is required. Even if the lab technician is not available in the organization, he can verify query status in online. It is very quick process than the existing system. Individual has no need to spare his time and energy in order to obtain even the basic information regarding the query

·         At present the current system works automatically. It provides the all information in timely manner.
·         Apart from this there no long and tedious procedure in order to have a solution regarding any particular query.
·         In addition to all this an individual has no need to move from one place to another to get any information.

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION                                  
Hardware Requirements: 
System                        :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
Hard Disk                   :   40 GB
Monitor                      :   14’ Colour Monitor
Mouse                         :   Optical Mouse
Software Requirements: 
Operating system       :   Windows 7.
Coding Language       :   ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base                   :   SQL Server 2014.


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2.      Davidow, M., “Organizational Responses to Customer Complaints: What Works and What Doesn’t”, Journal of service research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp225-250, 2003
3.      Gronroos, C., “Service Quality: The Six Criteria of Good Perceived Service Quality, Review of Business, Vol. 9, pp10-13, 1988
4.      Bolfing, C.P., “How Do Customer Express Dissatisfaction and What Can Service Marketers Do About It?, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 3,No. 2, pp5-23, 1989
5.       Fornell, C., “A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience, Journal of  Marketing, Vol. 56, pp6-21, 1992
6.      Cristo, B., “An Experimental Study of Service Recovery Options, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 8, pp110-130, 1997


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