The Best Finalyear MBA, IEEE Android, Embedded and Matlab projects in Chennai

ABSTRACT The project is entitled as alter system tracking and management solution. This project helps the user and to manage the system it aims to develop the system for user convenience when a system gets a fault instead of calling for Assistance by sending a message to them. This project helps every one to get help through a message which sends automatically. The tracking system is used for the observing of persons or object on the move and supplying a timely ordered sequence of location data for further processing. This tracking system helps to identify the problems by tracking, identifying and sends a text message from the user side to the help Centre. Which helps and saves time. This project is developed using with C# and SQL as a database to stores the data. EXISTING SYSTEM: Technical concerns are becoming a normal scenario in an everyday work environment both in education and corporate. Thus, need to constantly and effectively monitor these concerns. Thes...