
Showing posts from May, 2021

Academic Performance Prediction Based on Multisource, Multifeature Behavioral Data

1 Crore Projects is the best project center to get your IEEE 2021 Java Projects . We have 1000 plus project domains and six years of experience. We deliver your project on time at an affordable cost. The Objective of The Project: The main aim of the project is to develop a robust academic performance prediction model, to gain an in depth insight into student behavioral patterns and potentially help students to optimize their interactions with the university Abstract: To identify the real-world campus dataset of college students that aggregates multisource behavioral data covering not only online and offline learning but also behaviors inside and outside of the classroom. The features representing dynamic changes in temporal lifestyle patterns are extracted by the means of long short-term memory. The machine learning-based classification algorithms are developed to predict academic performance The visualized feedback enabling students to potentially optimize their interactions with the ...

Using 3D Segmentation Contours Techniques Lung from CT chest Image

1 Crore Projects is the best project center to get your Matlab Project Centers in Chennai   . We have 1000 plus project domains and six years of experience. We deliver your project on time at an affordable cost. ABSTRACT Accurate lung segmentation in chest Computed Tomography (CT) scans is a challenging problem because of variations in lung volume shape, susceptibility to partial volume effects that affect thin antero-posterior junction lines, and lack of contrast between the lung and surrounding tissues. The proposed method has an image preprocessing step to extract and segment lung in active contours techniques. Here the segmented lung can measure volume and view the volume of segmented part. OBJECTIVE 3-D Segmentation using contour techniques of lung from CT chest images. EXISTING SYSTEM The Lung segmentation are processed without volume measuring and viewing the volume of segmented part. Existing process gives good result of segmentation. The analysis part gives main draw bac...

A Unified Framework for Tracking Based Text Detection and Recognition from Web Videos

1 Crore Project is the best place to get your Python Project Center in Chennai at an affordable cost. OBJECTIVE : Video text extraction plays an important role for multimedia understanding and retrieval.  which pay attention to text tracking using multiple frames, text detection, tracking and recognition. Our model helps to detect the text in web videos ABSTRACT Video text extraction plays an important role for multimedia understanding and retrieval. A few of recent methods, which pay attention to text tracking using multiple frames, text detection, tracking and recognition.  In this paper, we propose a generic Bayesian-based framework of Tracking based Text Detection And Recognition (T2DAR) from web videos for embedded captions, which is composed of three major components, i.e., text tracking, tracking based text detection, and tracking based text recognition.  In this unified framework, text tracking is first conducted by tracking-by-detection. our proposed approach la...